This is the loving sacred process I use to create a Wild Cherry Art Original:

Sleeping Being.jpg

•  Smudge the room with Palo Santos to clear the energy.
•  Light a candle and set an intention.
•  Write in my gratitude journal for 5 minutes.
•  Meditate.
•  Review preselected, my own beautiful and  inspiring visual reference.
•  Play uplifting music.
•  Infuse essential oils.
• Play the singing bowls.
•  Practice 5-10 minutes of energy work (Based Donna Eden's Energy Medicine, EFT Tapping and Reiki.)•  Pull an oracle card for guidance and reflection.
•  Select crystals to raise the vibration.
•  Use distilled water charged with rose quartz crystals.
•  Use the highest quality of acid free and archival materials.
•  Imbed Reiki symbols into each piece.
•  Call upon over four decades of experience, education, exploration and honing my craft.
•  Allow the creative process to express itself fully, organically and joyfully without judgement.
•  Imbed and/or infuse healing crystals into each piece.
•  Express gratitude for the opportunity to access my creative gifts and share them in service to another's highest good.
