Here’s an idea: let’s get over ourselves, buy a cherry pie, and go fall in love with life.”
– Tom Robbins

Life gives you lemons. I’m giving you cherries. Cherries are the prefect symbol for our human experience. You get the pits and the stems and the sweet, juicy, delicious, vibrantly colored fruit. Don’t focus on the sour but concentrate on the sweet bits of life.
Cherries have always had a red thread of connection to my life. My parents lived in Cherry Hill, New Jersey when I was born. So I guess it all started there. Cherry was one of my first words along with, church, cookie, and Coca-Cola. That tells you something! My first car was a cherry red mustang convertible, and for a while, my hair was cherry red. When my hair was red, my friend, Zeet Peabody, gave me the nickname Cherrio, and it stuck. I’ve always loved cherries, all the different kinds. So when it was time to start a business, I couldn’t think of a better name. Also, it couldn’t just be a plain cherry but rather its own unique type, a wild cherry, kind of like me.
Back in the day with my cherry red hair.
Recently I have gone back to my roots and continued my devotion to the cherry by creating more cherry paintings—they make me feel good! They are so happy and celebratory. Come see them in person this weekend and see how good they make you feel!
Celebrate every moment, no matter what’s happening. When you put something on your wall, I want it to fill you with delight! Wild Cherry Art is packed with bright colors, bold imagery, and a burst of positive energy, to delight and inspire you. Drawing from my lifelong training in artistic craftsmanship, along with my meditation and gratitude practices, I create acrylic paintings in service to your happiness.
The 18th Annual SOMA Artists Studio Tour is this weekend! Visit 36 Warren Court in South Orange and have a hot apple cider with me, spiked or virgin! We’ll talk about art, life, and all things wonderful. There will be five other artists on the block and sixty artists participating in the tour this year. So come out, get a map, start your art collection or add to it, support artists, and buy local. I’ll be waiting for you on my front porch!
So excited to see you!