“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”
– Dale Carnegie
A beautiful day to paint a lovely path in New York City’s Central Park. This was a super fun day.
Which route are you choosing for your life and ambitions? I used to select the uphill path. I felt that I had to fight for what I believed in. Fighting made life feel hard and led to more conflict. It seemed like I could never do enough. This thinking created tons of stress. It just made things crappy.
Let's choose the path of least resistance. Take the road that looks fun, beautiful, or exciting. With my work, I select the approach that's the most enjoyable and meaningful for my collectors. I love sharing the process. It feels like a gift to both of us. Every time one of my collectors looks at their piece, they recall the exciting process they experienced while it was being created. I help them connect to feelings of joy. As a result, their artwork becomes a connection to their happiness.
Bow Bridge in May was painted Plein Aire, outside, on a beautiful Spring day. It was a great way for me to connect with the ever present beauty of nature. I hope you feel the freedom and vibrant energy coming through.
Why struggle? Both the hard way and the fun way can lead to the same destination. Why invite the stress and angst? Why walk in anger or fear? Working harder doesn't get you there faster. It's just harder! Why not look for a path of ease and joy? Now I focus on what I want to accomplish, not the bumps in the road. The fantastic thing is we have this choice.
Alliums by the Fountain was painted Plein Aire in my garden. Every path in my garden leads to wonder.
I know life isn't always wine and roses. But, I urge you to feel all the feelings. Don't stuff em down because they will only rise up to bite you in the ass. So work it out. Sit with the unpleasant feelings and let 'em flow. It's the only way to let 'em go, then you can get back to accentuating the positive!
Why not try cultivating what Mary Morrissey, author of "Building Your Field of Dreams," calls an E.L.F. Life — Easy Lucrative and Fun. I’m all for it! You can keep fighting the uphill battle or ride the rollercoaster of life, holding on tight and enjoying every minute of the wild ride. We are all on life's rollercoaster. Will you ride kicking and screaming or laughing and loving it?
Buckle up and have lotsa fun!