“Create the highest grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”
—Oprah Winfrey
My beautiful studio is my sanctuary. I love spending my days in this space creating magic for you!
My studio used to be filled with books, stacks of paper, and piles of junk everywhere. It looked like an aging insurance office. It was dark and cluttered and not very conducive to creating anything. I took an art business class and the first homework assignment was to create a vision board. A large part of my vision board was devoted to images of a stunning art studio with lots of windows, tall ceilings, and beautiful paintings.
I used to call the space, “my office,” and I focused mostly on my graphic design business. I wasn’t clear on it’s purpose because it was a home office. Now I call it my studio. It has a clear focus and meaningful purpose. It is now a sacred creative space.
Shortly after that, a leak developed in my studio's ceiling, and I had to gut the room. The dropped ceiling came down to reveal a vaulted ceiling. The stained carpet got ripped up and replaced with a light grey Marmoleum tile. The walls went from yellow to bright white. The ugly blinds were removed to reveal eight beautiful windows. The large wall was covered in cork and painted white. Four weeks later I had the studio of my dreams. It looked just like the pictures I put on my vision board.
This is the other side of my studio. It’s not only my creative space its also my meditation location.
I wondered if making changes and fulfilling my dreams were really that easy. It was a great lesson in being clear about what you want. I've continued to create vision boards, and I'd like to report that more of my dreams are coming true. I encourage you to focus on what you want and work towards your goals. Things may come up to distract you from your goals but if you are clear, you can manage the bumps in the road and get back on your path. Stay the course! There is no time to waste! Your dreams are important.
Here are a few tips for you, if you would like to try visioning:
Get a large piece of colored poster board, a pair of scissors, and Elmer's glue.
Get lots of magazines with beautiful pictures. I used Oprah, Martha Stewart, Travel Magazines, Art magazines, etc.
Cut out all the pictures that appeal to you.
Cut out inspiring words.
Have fun with it. It’s not an art piece so don’t worry how it looks.
Arrange the pictures and words on the board.
Feel free to write or draw on your vision board if it helps clarify your purpose.
Hang it in a place where you can see it.
Look at it every day and imagine, with gratitude, that everything has already come true.
Send me pictures of your finished vision board. I'd love to see what you've got planned. My plans have been working out great. I spend my days, in my beautiful studio, painting, working on commissions, writing music, meditating, and writing these blog posts to inspire you.
Start by believing in yourself and all your dreams can come true.