“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you’re still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.”
—Tony Robbins
Hand of God 30 x 30 Inches Acrylic, Glass beads and Mica on canvas. This painting started out as a landscape of my garden. The underpainting is florescent pink. It was not what I was planning . When I am painting I can be fully in the flow and let things happen without judgement. There are no mistakes just wondrous exploration.
When I paint I make mistakes all the time. But I never see them as mistakes. Everything that happens is part of the creative process. A painting may begin as a landscape and turn into a wild and colorful abstraction. Being in the creative flow is being alive and one with the energies of the universe. Nothing is negative. Whether I am painting, blogging, or writing music, as long as I'm in the creative zone I'm growing. I may hit a few bumps but there are no mistakes.
I started writing a blog a few months ago. It's an important step as an artist and an entrepreneur. It's supposed to help your collectors get to know more about you and your work. I agonized over how to start and I finally wrote, "Fill Your Life With Meaning During Uncertain Times." It was very personal, about the loss of my husband.
There’s my website with no Blog! I freaked out. But now its much better than it was before. There is always a silver lining.
A few weeks ago I realized I set up the blog incorrectly and I had to recreate the whole thing. In the process of fixing it, I deleted that first post and lost all the comments. It was very deflating. After a lot of resistance, I figured out how to push through. I forgave myself for making a mistake. I took some deep breaths, meditated, walked a lot, and realized I had to keep going. I got some support from my mastermind group, watched a few tutorials, fixed the technical issues, and started again. The format is much better now.
This is a sketch for a new painting inspired by my lost blog experience. Sometimes I have to squeeze a lot of lemons to get the job done!
Sometimes life gives you lemons. When that happens you can always add vodka! You have to figure out how to keep going, stay the course, never give up. Your dreams are worth it. Whether you make lemonade or add vodka, there is always a way through!
While researching inspiring quotes on making mistakes, I found several that spoke to me and helped me reframe and get unstuck. I've created a downloadable PDF to help me when I, inevitably, make a mistake or things don’t go as planned. If you'd find it useful, please click the button and download it for yourself.
Cheers to you making all your dreams come true!
Lots of love and lemonade from me to you,