“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” – Plato

These are the new thumbnail sketches for my Quarantune Series. Rickenbacker bass, Telecaster, Stratacaster, Les Paul, Songwriter, SG, Saxophone, Trumpet and Fiddle. More detailed sketches next and then onto the canvas.
With the recent loss of my father, it feels like a time of new beginnings for me. When something ends it leaves space for something else. I am choosing to embrace it with an exciting creative project. I've been itching to begin a new body of artwork, and low and behold, I was inspired to create a series of instrument paintings. This seems like a natural undertaking for me, so much so, I am surprised I hadn't thought of it before. I've started by collecting reference images of my favorite guitars, horns, and various percussive and string instruments. The next step is sketching them out, first as thumbnails, then more detailed sketches, and finally, I will move to the canvas. I am going to do them similarly to my Quaranitinis. Since we are still living in Covid times, they will be called Quarantunes.
Music has been a part of my life since I was a little girl, just like art. I started playing the piano when I was 7 years old. When I was studying, at Parson's School of Design, I was the lead vocalist in a band. We could never keep a bass player, so my great friend and drummer, Glenn Healy, bought me a bass for my birthday, and Voila, I became a singer and a bass player. Years later, when I left New York City to move to a nearby suburb, I missed playing music. I was not enjoying playing bass without a band, so I started learning how to play guitar. I also started studying voice at Tim Welch Vocal Studio. If you ever wanted to learn how to sing, Tim is your man! I continue to write and perform any chance I get. Music is in my soul.
John Coltrane’s music inspired this Saxophone sketch.
This project will be a combination of my two greatest loves, next to family and friends. Whenever something comes from a place of love, it is sure to be magical. I am excited to listen to Les Paul while I am panting the Les Paul, Chet Baker, my father's favorite, while I am painting the Trumpet and, of course, John Coltrane while I am painting the Saxophone. If you did not already know, my son is named Coltrane.
You will get the first look and have first dibs at purchasing any of the new works because you are on my A-list. The A is for AWESOME! You might want to mention that to any music fans if you think they will be interested. I look forward to sharing my progress with you.
Whenever you are feeling lost or unsure of your path, I encourage you to lean into what you love and I believe the inspiration will find its way to your heart.
Lots and lots of love to you always.
Rock on!