"By the practice of meditation, you will find that you are carrying within your heart a portable paradise."
—Paramahansa Yogananda
I Am Safe and Grounded. 24 x 36 Inches Acrylic and Carnelian Gem Stones on 2.5 inch deep Gallery Wrapped Canvas This paintiing is part of a collection I did on each of the Chakras. This one is based on the Root Chakra. I meditated on balancing and opening each Chakra before I began painting. There is a base layer underneath with all the words that came to me during my meditation.
Meditation saved my life. After my husband died in 2012, I spent three years cycling through every antidepressant available. I kept asking my doctor what was the expectation when someone's husband drops dead in front of one's children? They insisted I should be doing better than I was. At the three-year mark, I had been hospitalized once for three weeks due to an adverse reaction to Zoloft and Wellbutrin, and I had several overnight emergency room visits for negative reactions to other medications. A psychiatrist deemed me unresponsive to drugs and recommended ECT–Electro Convulsive Therapy, commonly known as shock treatment. There was no way I was going to have ECT. I was the sole caregiver for my two young children, I couldn't be in the hospital for two months, and I didn't have anyone to drive me three times a week for two months as an out-patient. I was at a loss. I felt more depressed and powerless, and the doctors made me feel like I would live in this state forever if I didn't undertake ECT. I started praying to God for help.
And then a series of miracles happened. My therapist said, "I think it's time for you to get in touch with your spirituality." I responded with, "what's that going to do for me?" I didn't even think about her comment until later that day when my best friend, Leah, said, "I think we need to go to Kripalu so you can get in touch with your spirituality." I responded with, "huh, that s what my therapist said." The next day another friend called me and said she was starting a spiritual book group and wanted me to be a part of it. She thought it could really help my healing journey. Well, I believe that three is the magic number, so at that point, I called Leah and said, "Let's book Kripalu." So off we went to Kripalu, and I began my meditation practice. I also I began exploring my spirituality with my therapist, and I joined the book group,
This is the front lawn of the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health looking out over the Stockbridge Bowl Lake. in Massachusetts. For five decades Kripalu has been a leader in yoga- and mindfulness-based education.
I had always dabbled in meditation, but I would tell people I sucked at it. I was never able to quiet my mind. Finally, I realized that that is why meditation is so important. The thoughts never stop. If we don't learn not to listen to every thought, the mind controls us. Our brain is constantly looking to solve problems. It's a survival instinct. So even when there are no problems, the mind looks for problems to fix. Now I realize that meditation is not about quieting the mind; it's about not following the thoughts. There will always be more thoughts!
After a long weekend at Kripalu and then a week more of meditation at home, I had an epiphany. I didn't need drugs to feel better. But I did need help—I struggled with clutter, bookkeeping, motivation, self-care, and socialization. I decided to spend the money I had been spending on doctors and medications and instead hire an organizer, a bookkeeper, and a private trainer. I also got a part-time job working for Whole Foods as a sign maker. I started observing the thoughts that weren't helping me and listening to my inner guidance. It has been a game-changer!
Cherry sign I painted while working at Whole Foods.
My meditation practice has helped me to respond thoughtfully rather than be reactive to triggers. It has helped me to gain clarity on my purpose. It has helped me to reconnect to a life of meaning and opened the path to joy again. It helps me to focus on what I can do and what I want to create. I know it helps a slew of medical conditions, you can google it! I meditate daily and always before I start painting. Meditation helps me to tap into that place of joy and intuitive guidance while I am working.
Here are some meditation apps and podcasts that helped me to get started:
• Meditation Oasis podcast
• Headspace App
• Insight Timer App
• Abraham Hicks VortexAttraction App
• Chopra Meditation & Well-being App
Flowing With Love 9 x 12 Inches Acrylic on Cotton Canvas. I was meditating on opening to love for a recent commission. During the process of painting this one I was really in the flow of love.
Now I realize that our mind is like the clear blue sky. It is always present. Sometimes we experience small wispy clouds or big white fluffy ones, and sometimes there are great big dark storm clouds with lightning and roaring thunder. Behind all those clouds, the blue sky is always there. Meditation helps me to stay connected to that still place of being the blue sky and observing all the weather patterns rolling by.
I hope you'll take even 5 minutes a day for a week and give meditation a try. It has 100% changed my life for the better, and I would love to share this powerful practice with you. If you want more tips or guidance, please reach out. I'm happy to help.
Wishing you peace of mind,