“I am thankful for the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.”
— Nancie J. Carmody
In New Orleans with my bestie, Leah on the right and in the center, Devra Dedeaux, who took me to NOLA for the very first time, many years ago, with her team of restauranteurs from NYC’s Gulf Coast and Sugar Reef.
I just got back from New Orleans. I attended a family wedding. My bestie came along with me as my travel companion, and we had a great time. NOLA is a place filled with incredible food, fantastic music, beautiful architecture, wonderful people, and rich history and culture. It's one of my favorite cities in the United States. After many intense weeks of caring for my mother, it was a great reset.
Cassamento’s on Magazine Street serves up some of the best oysters in NOLA. I’m heading to Paris in a couple weeks and I will do a comparison oyster taste test and report back.
Now I'm back in the studio and preparing for the 2nd annual Warren Court Art Walk. It's going to be fantastic! We have 22 artists for 2022. I'm excited to exhibit and sell lots of new paintings and prints. I may even include some new pieces inspired by my most recent trips to Paris and NOLA pus a couple new cherries! In addition, this year, we have Latin street food purveyor, Miti Miti, offering their tasty eats, and I'll be serving up a delicious cocktail. So please mark your calendar and prepare to spend the weekend chatting with artists, starting or adding to your collection, enjoying our vibrant community, and party with me!
I look forward to seeing you in May. Tell all your friends and get ready for a great time.
Sending you lots and lotsa love,