My New Album Is About to Drop. Wanna Hear It with the Band?


“Every song is like a painting.”
—Dick Dale


GLITTER & GRIT Listening Party

with Live Performance by
Leslie and The Love Drops
March 23rd from 3 pm to 6 pm
Tierney’s Tavern
138 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ 07042

Be the First to Hear Glitter & Grit

It’s finally happening! After two years in the making, Glitter & Grit, my new album, is almost here, and I want YOU to be part of the celebration. Join me and The Love Drops for a one-of-a-kind listening party—where we’ll play some songs live, then experience the album together.

This won’t be just any gathering—it’s a milestone, a labor of love, and a chance to celebrate with amazing people (like you!). Plus, there’ll be food, drinks, and loads of fun at Tierney’s Tavern.

To plan accordingly, I need to know who’s coming, so hit that RSVP button, lock in your spot, and help me make this an unforgettable afternoon!

I’m super excited to share this with you and genuinely grateful for your support and encouragement. See you in a month. In the meantime, schedule a studio visit. I’d love to show you what’s brewing on the easel!


P.S. Could you please be a pal and forward this blog post to one or two people who you think would appreciate my art and my mission? Thanks so much, you’re the best!


Co-create A Magical Life Through Ritual And Positive Intention


Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.
— Leonardo da Vinci


After painting and drawing oysters for weeks I was able to let go and let spirit guide my hand here.


My creative practice embodies Leonardo’s Quote. I sometimes call Spirit My Inner Being, The Universe, or Love. I feel the connection through joy, a hunch, intuition, my senses, an emotional feeling, a knowing. I work at cultivating this connection and staying grounded and present.

Yes, I graduated from Parsons School of Design, but my connection to spirit started very early. I had an imaginative calling that made me different from my friends. Though I was awarded “Most Misunderstood” and “Class Rebel” in high school, I was just marching to the beat of my own punk rock, arty, fun Inner Being’s guidance.


This was me in high school. A life size self portrait. Do you see my spirit showing?


I disconnected from The Universe when My husband died suddenly. I lost my spark. My hopes and dreams felt obliterated. Then, by the grace of God, I had three separate people suggest that I reconnect with my spirituality. Three is the magic number, so I dove in hard. Reading book after book on spirituality and connecting with other spiritual seekers.

It took me a minute, but I’m back! Aligned with purpose and positivity and ready to rock! My life is filled with joy and meaning, and I want to share. My creative practice consists of loads of cool rituals that help me connect to the universe and co-create a life I love. Click HERE to learn about my rituals so you can connect, too.

I stir all that positive energy from the universe right into the paint and into the canvas. I paint with joy in my heart. I find the ritual is the gateway, and imagination is the transmission. I journal about what emotion I want to inspire, and often, the words go right on the canvas during the underpainting stage. This is a super exciting process when I’m working on a commission: helping clients find their images and words of joy creates ripples of uplifting energy that flow out into the world. It’s intoxicating! If you’d like to have a discovery call with me, click the button below to set up a free 20-minute chat about finding your images and words of joy for your commissioned work of art.

I’m forever grateful to my mother, who encouraged and supported my creative pursuits, enrolling me in oil painting classes and piano lessons at a young age, and whose connection to spirit has always been strong and loving. 

The Universe loves you, and so do I,

PS. Please share with one or two friends who might find my blogs helpful or interesting. Thanks for reading!


Have you been with me since the beginning of this wild adventure?.


I realized last week that I have been publishing a blog twice a month for four years. I learned that you should start before you’re ready, practice makes better, and I don’t need any freaking AI! I’m republishing the entire first blog because it was pretty good right out of the gate. I still use the practice I explain below, and miracles happen when I’m consistent with it. I greatly appreciate you for reading, and I hope you will continue to follow me here because social media sucks. META, which is Facebook, has disabled my account by limiting my ability to post, comment, follow, share, create events, or accept new friends. Email me if you want to know what’s up, and please share my blog with your friends and family. I’m super excited for my residency in France next month and I don’t want you to miss a thing!


“People who have the capacity to lean fully into joy have one variable in common: They practice gratitude.”
Brené Brown, Ph.D.

I’m not saying that you need to drink to feel gratitude! I am grateful that this commission has led to a whole series of paintings, lots of positive responses, several more sales and now prints!

I’m not saying that you need to drink to feel gratitude! I am grateful that this commission has led to a whole series of paintings, lots of positive responses, several more sales and now prints!


If you want to feel more joy in your daily life practicing gratitude can get you there. It is one of the most powerful practices I use to keep me feeling positive and happy. Even in the midst of tremendous challenges, gratitude can help you see the light. I started by keeping a small notebook by the side of my bed and writing about three things that went well that day. Even on a day that I didn’t feel very accomplished, I could find three things that went well. Like getting out of bed or having a conversation with a friend or washing the dishes. If you are new to practicing gratitude this is a great place to start.

I'm grateful for this commission from my beloved collector, Rosa Pellicer. She's a beautiful soul and I feel a deep connection to her. I'm happy to create artwork that inspires her and others to live with joy and wonder.r.

I'm grateful for this commission from my beloved collector, Rosa Pellicer. She's a beautiful soul and I feel a deep connection to her. I'm happy to create artwork that inspires her and others to live with joy and wonder.r.


My practice has changed over time. Now I use May MacCarthy’s Gratitude formula. It has taken my practice to the next level. It helps me move through places when I feel stuck and it helps with manifesting things in my life that I desire. 

All you need is a dedicated notebook, something to write with, and your imagination. This is how you do it:

  • Listen to or read something uplifting for 10 minutes

  • Write a letter to whatever your higher power is for things in your life that you want to improve or manifest

  • Hit all the major areas; relationships, finances, fun, health, connection to your higher power, and anything else you are looking to improve.

  • Write about each one as if it is just the way you want it to be and you are grateful. Example: Dear Universe, I am so grateful that my relationships with my children are harmonious and joyful. We respect and support each other without judgment. We enjoy spending time together and have wonderful open conversations. I feel so much love for them and from them.

  • When you are finished writing, read it out loud with a lot of emotion.

  • Then spend 10 minutes meditating or imaging how wonderful it feels now that it is all as you want it to be

  • During the day, look for guidance or follow your intuition when things pop up that will help you fulfill your desires.

  • At the end of the day notice all the things that occurred to get you closer to your desired goals, feel gratitude for them, and thank your higher power for guiding you.

  • Repeat daily.

I am grateful to Theresa Pettersen-Chu for purchasing this painting when I shifted from a graphic design business to fine art. She believed in me and started the ball rolling on my thriving new business.

I am grateful to Theresa Pettersen-Chu for purchasing this painting when I shifted from a graphic design business to fine art. She believed in me and started the ball rolling on my thriving new business.


If you are on the fence about this, I challenge you to try this method and just see what happens. You never know, you might just manifest the life of your dreams. If you give it a try, please let me know how it goes.

With love and gratitude,


How to listen to your heart and live your dreams...


“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
–Oprah Winfrey

This is a life size, chalk pastel, self portrait I did for my application to Parson’s School of Design.

This is a life size, chalk pastel, self portrait I did for my application to Parson’s School of Design. This body has been through a lot. I’m grateful for every moment and I am making my health a priority.


I miss you. I’ve been out of touch for a minute because I’ve been dealing with some health issues. My doctors have been awesome and everything has gotten sorted out. I’m ready to pivot back to my routines and focus on what brings me joy, so I am reintroducing myself to you.

As a fine artist and owner of Wild Cherry Art, I’m on a mission to cultivate joy through art, music, and by living in the spirit of appreciation. 

I started creating art when I was a child. By age 7, I was painting in oils and playing the piano. I was only interested in things I felt passionate about. While other kids were partying in high school, I was home painting, drawing, and making music. I also snuck into the Fastlane or the Stone Pony in Asbury Park on Friday nights to see live bands. I wanted to be a painter and a rockstar when I grew up.


Most of my time in in high school was spent in my bedroom painting and listening to and making music. The rest of the time I was working for Bamberger’s at the Stagelight counter, driving around in my super cool cherry-red Mustang convertible, or seeing live music.


Graduating with a BFA from Parsons School of Design set me on an exciting course. I painted dozens of murals across the country for Betsey Johnson, worked for several prestigious design firms, and held art director positions at major publishing houses. I’ve won several awards for excellence in graphic design and illustration, working for top-shelf clientele. Below is a gallery of a few book jackets I designed over the years.


With my husband’s untimely death, I suddenly became a single parent of two young children. I felt forced to re-evaluate my purpose and embarked on a healing journey. My commitment to following my dreams strengthened. I had seen how fleeting life can be firsthand. It was time to get back to painting and fulfill that dream. I realized that I had been given a gift that I must share. It’s never too late. The time is now! 


I pivoted from graphic design back to my first love of painting. It’s never too late to follow your dreams. There is always a cherry painting on the easel. They are my favorite metaphor for life with pits, stems and the sweet juicy fruit! Life is a bowl of cherries!


My work can help you live a more connected, better quality of life. Wild Cherry Art lifts your spirits and connects you to joy and wonder. How awesome is that?! I use decades of painting, drawing, graphic design, and spiritual practices to inform my artistic process to delight and inspire you with exciting, vibrant works of art. Art is a powerful force that unites, heals, and enriches our lives. Browse through my available creations, notice how you feel, listen to your heart, and see if anything connects you to joy and wonder. That’s the one! Or contact me to come for a fun studio visit or to create a meaningful custom piece of art.


Painting in Memorial Park this past May. I love painting Plein Air (outside) in nature. It’s a wonderful way to connect with the light.


Following my dreams lets me maintain a playful revelry in my approach to life. The possibilities are endless. Painting lights my fire. I continue to make music because I love it. I’m not sneaking into clubs anymore, I’m playing at them! My deep connections with friends and family fill my heart. I delight in traveling and live each day (well, most) to the fullest. When you follow your heart, your life is filled with meaning. Let my story and artwork inspire you to freely express your creative nature and inner radiance and explore your dreams and desires. It’s never too late to start. I’ve restarted several times. Life is a bowl of cherries enjoy all the good parts and spit out the pits!

Love you lots,