Have you been with me since the beginning of this wild adventure?.


I realized last week that I have been publishing a blog twice a month for four years. I learned that you should start before you’re ready, practice makes better, and I don’t need any freaking AI! I’m republishing the entire first blog because it was pretty good right out of the gate. I still use the practice I explain below, and miracles happen when I’m consistent with it. I greatly appreciate you for reading, and I hope you will continue to follow me here because social media sucks. META, which is Facebook, has disabled my account by limiting my ability to post, comment, follow, share, create events, or accept new friends. Email me if you want to know what’s up, and please share my blog with your friends and family. I’m super excited for my residency in France next month and I don’t want you to miss a thing!


“People who have the capacity to lean fully into joy have one variable in common: They practice gratitude.”
Brené Brown, Ph.D.

I’m not saying that you need to drink to feel gratitude! I am grateful that this commission has led to a whole series of paintings, lots of positive responses, several more sales and now prints!

I’m not saying that you need to drink to feel gratitude! I am grateful that this commission has led to a whole series of paintings, lots of positive responses, several more sales and now prints!


If you want to feel more joy in your daily life practicing gratitude can get you there. It is one of the most powerful practices I use to keep me feeling positive and happy. Even in the midst of tremendous challenges, gratitude can help you see the light. I started by keeping a small notebook by the side of my bed and writing about three things that went well that day. Even on a day that I didn’t feel very accomplished, I could find three things that went well. Like getting out of bed or having a conversation with a friend or washing the dishes. If you are new to practicing gratitude this is a great place to start.

I'm grateful for this commission from my beloved collector, Rosa Pellicer. She's a beautiful soul and I feel a deep connection to her. I'm happy to create artwork that inspires her and others to live with joy and wonder.r.

I'm grateful for this commission from my beloved collector, Rosa Pellicer. She's a beautiful soul and I feel a deep connection to her. I'm happy to create artwork that inspires her and others to live with joy and wonder.r.


My practice has changed over time. Now I use May MacCarthy’s Gratitude formula. It has taken my practice to the next level. It helps me move through places when I feel stuck and it helps with manifesting things in my life that I desire. 

All you need is a dedicated notebook, something to write with, and your imagination. This is how you do it:

  • Listen to or read something uplifting for 10 minutes

  • Write a letter to whatever your higher power is for things in your life that you want to improve or manifest

  • Hit all the major areas; relationships, finances, fun, health, connection to your higher power, and anything else you are looking to improve.

  • Write about each one as if it is just the way you want it to be and you are grateful. Example: Dear Universe, I am so grateful that my relationships with my children are harmonious and joyful. We respect and support each other without judgment. We enjoy spending time together and have wonderful open conversations. I feel so much love for them and from them.

  • When you are finished writing, read it out loud with a lot of emotion.

  • Then spend 10 minutes meditating or imaging how wonderful it feels now that it is all as you want it to be

  • During the day, look for guidance or follow your intuition when things pop up that will help you fulfill your desires.

  • At the end of the day notice all the things that occurred to get you closer to your desired goals, feel gratitude for them, and thank your higher power for guiding you.

  • Repeat daily.

I am grateful to Theresa Pettersen-Chu for purchasing this painting when I shifted from a graphic design business to fine art. She believed in me and started the ball rolling on my thriving new business.

I am grateful to Theresa Pettersen-Chu for purchasing this painting when I shifted from a graphic design business to fine art. She believed in me and started the ball rolling on my thriving new business.


If you are on the fence about this, I challenge you to try this method and just see what happens. You never know, you might just manifest the life of your dreams. If you give it a try, please let me know how it goes.

With love and gratitude,


Come party with me!


“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
—Mae West


During the opening show at the Pierro Gallery I stood next to my portrait of Carol Lane, “Behind The Lens.” Carol was a wonderful photographer and terrific person I met through Studio Montclair.


Saturday night, we blew the roof off the brand-new Baird Center during the grand reopening of the Pierro Gallery of South Orange, New Jersey. The place was packed to the gunwales! I'm honored and humbled that my painting hangs with the work of other incredibly talented artists in the show. 

Our mayor, Sheena Cullum, was there along with Judy Wukitsch, who co-founded the gallery in 2001 with her late husband, Lennie Pierro. Pierro was a fine artist and longtime South Orange resident. He sought to create a cooperative effort between fine artists and the town. The celebration continued upstairs to the cafe, where a jazz band entertained as folks enjoyed a fantastic spread of food and drink. The entire building has been reimagined and updated beautifully. The evening was a wonderful and vibrant celebration of South Orange, our community, and our artists. The gallery is state-of-the-art, and it's spectacular. The show is running through June 12th, go see it!

I have so many wonderful events coming up. Come party with me at all of them. And reach out here to meet me at any of the galleries and I’ll show you around. Life is short, lets have fun!

    Sunday, April, 28th, 3pm – 6pm
    488 Summit AvenueSouth Orange, NJ, 07079

    Saturday, May 11th & Sunday, May 12th 11:00am – 5:00pm.
    36 Warren Court, South Orange, NJ, 07079

    Opening reception, June 9th 2:15 – 4pm.
    214 Main Street, Chatham Township, NJ, 07928

    Saturday, May 18th, 10am – 3pm
    Memorial Park, Maplewood, NJ, 07040

    Opening reception, September 19th 7pm – 9pm.
    Gallery Roshana, 120 rue de la Boétie 75008

    Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, get on the A-list for the information

Stay tuned, more to come! Make sure you’re on the Wild Cherry Art mailing list so you don’t miss a beat!


Do you need to know, like, and trust someone before you sleep with them?


"A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love."
—Mother Teresa


“Return To Love” This is the commissioned series I worked on last year that created a shift in my beliefs around love. Set up a free 15 minute Discovery Call with me to discuss manifesting your vision. Discovery Call


My friends and family helped me through the most challenging experience of my life, losing my husband. They've also been with me to celebrate my great joys; connections, art, music, travel, and all my milestones. It has been nine and a half years since Chris is gone. Recently my peeps have been encouraging me to date.

I believed that my days of romance were behind me. Then last year, I worked on a commission for a client who wanted to manifest love. My commission process goes far deeper than putting paint on a canvas. For many weeks, I listened to guided meditations for opening to love every day before working on her pieces. A few of those days, I found myself sobbing when I experienced all the available love. I listened to love songs and love frequencies, surrounded myself with rose quartz, journaled, used essential oils, and read about love. I noticed a shift in myself after completing "Return To Love." My collector loved the process, adores her pieces, and has them hanging in a prominent space in her gorgeous apartment. I know she's experiencing more love.


I'm drawn to paint with pink and red. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability. Both red and pink represent love. So I'm already on the right track!


I realized on Monday that it's been 9 years since I had a Valentine. I now think I deserve love just as much as the next guy. So I put myself on a few dating sites, and I'm putting it out there to the Universe. I'm available. And because I'm living as my authentic self, I will make decisions and take actions that support my own values. For me, this means that I'm interested in making friends first because I need to know, like, and trust someone before I sleep with them! Lol! I've been this way forever; it's how I am. I would always be the one back at the hotel on vacations when my friends would find romance for the evening. I'd often go home alone and meet my friends for brunch to hear about their evening's escapades. People often thought I was the "wildest one" because, as my son says, "Mom, why did you dress so slutty?" I wasn't slutty! I was Rock'n'roll. Anyway, there is no such thing as slutty. And while casual sex has never been my bag, I know that sexual pleasure is our birthright, and consenting adults are entitled to do whatever they want behind closed doors and sometimes discretely in public spaces. I'm all for it.

Beautiful blonde girl wearing a fringe bra, latex hot-pants, a bullet belt and holding a fosters beer.

This is the photo that made my son ask why I dressed so slutty!


So at 57, I'm on a few online dating sites. My life is already very rich and filled with so much love. When I find the right person, I hope to get invitations to dinner parties, travel, and outings again from my couple friends. It will be nice to have a companion and more physical affection. I'm open to meeting someone who will love, appreciate and respect me. Someone kind, compassionate, fun, intelligent, engaging, inspiring, open-minded, adventurous, passionate, optimistic, that I'm wildly attracted to, and we have fantastic sex. I know as long as I am being my authentic self, they will see the real me, and the people who will love me will see me from a mile away. I expect to make many new, wonderful friends and find my next greatest love.

Cheers to love, intimacy, passion and great sex!


Wanna conquer the challenges and get more wins this year?


“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'.”
–Erma Bombeck


I did a lot of painting, performing, and writing for you! I also volunteered, made contributions and always had a lot of fun. I’m leaving everything on the table. That’s my jam. 🥳


Happy 2022, beautiful friend! I'm wishing you and yours a wonderful year ahead with an abundance of blessings. So many people were eager to say good riddance to 2021. Of course, it had its ups and downs like every other year, but all along the way, I always found so many things for which I'm thankful. 

Towards the end of every December, I do a formal year-end review and set goals for the year to come. If you want something to grow it helps to measure it. I did this last week with two partners. We took inventory and evaluated our progress. First, we wrote everything down, and then we shared it. These were our categories:

  • wins

  • challenges

  • gratitude

  • eliminate stress

  • dream

I had a significant challenge this year with the loss of my father. Although, I feel so incredibly grateful to have had him in my life for so long. Sadly, my children don't have this gift. But they have so many other blessings in their full and exciting lives. All of us survived another year of the pandemic. We were resilient, resourceful and remained connected. I painted, performed, socialized, volunteered, and celebrated! Exercising, enjoying nature, making music, and art helped me eliminate stress. And honestly, I've just begun to dream! So stick around; we're going to have a lot more fun!!!


I’m grateful I had my dad present for so many milestones in my life, like walking me down the aisle.


After our evaluating exercise, I write my goals down in the form of a positive Life Statement, as if they've already happened, and give thanks for my abundant life. I create one statement for each of these areas:

  • Health

  • Spirituality

  • Personal Development

  • Relationships

  • Business

  • Finances

  • Recreation and Fun

I use these same statements in my daily gratitude practice. If you’d like to create your own gratitude practice, or want to do a year end review, let's set up a Zoom call. Just click the button and I'll help you.

Things keep getting better. Evaluating my progress and setting goals helps me feel more purpose and meaning in my life. I move forward with the intention of serving in the most joyful way I can. Life really can be a bowl of cherries. It's all in the way you look at things. As an artist, I look for beauty in all things. I'm grateful that I can always find it.


A modern metric is our Social media stats. I'm astounded that I have over 11K followers on Facebook and Instagram, and I received almost 53K likes in 2021. That freaking amazes me! Thank you for being on this incredible journey with me. I count you as one of my blessings. If I've inspired you along the way, please tell your friends. If you have any questions about why or how I do anything, ask. I'm here to share. 

Let’s crush 2022! This year can be the best yet. Unward and upward!